The call to authorized ministry is a sacred trust between God and the authorized minister who responds.

It is our duty and joy, as those called by God and authorized by the United Church of Christ, to be engaged in ongoing professional development and ever mindful of the Ministerial Code of Ethics which guide our professional and personal relationships within the church, the communities in which we serve and the families who support and sustain us.

In order to maintain good standing in our Association, Authorized Ministers:

  1. Must attend a Healthy Practice for Ministry event, the equivalent of Boundary Training, every other year. You will receive reminders from our office about those scheduled events. Retired Authorized Ministers who no longer perform ministerial functions may be exempt from this requirement. A request for exemption must be made to the Oversight Working Group of the Committee on Ministry.
  2. Are encouraged and expected to participate in lifelong learning, (Continuing Education) experiences at least every other year. We ask that you send us your certificate of attendance for record keeping.
  3. Must complete an Information Review form annually.
  4. May participate in Communities of Practice, small groups for authorized Ministers who gather for personal and professional development. Information can be found here.

Continued blessings on your ministry.