Looking for a job? Here are the opportunities available in our local churches! Click the title for the description.
Community Church of Chesterland seeks a part-time Director of Music and the Arts who will work closely with the settled pastor to design and implement a music program that reflects Chesterland UCC’s vision for its present and future. Primary duties include identifying and performing hymns and songs for the weekly Sunday morning spiritual gatherings, leading music, and assisting the pastor in identifying and planning for other opportunities of artistic expression within the weekly spiritual gatherings (ex. dance, painting, poetry, etc.)
Hours and Salary: 15 hours/week, $1,400/month (no benefits), beginning September 1, 2022. Full description and application instructions available here.
St. John United Church of Christ in Strasburg is looking for a part time choir director to direct the choir of 15-20 people. The job involves once a week practice plus Sunday morning performances. If interested you can submit your resume to stjohnuccstrasburg@gmail.com or call (330) 878-5113.
Bethany UCC seeks an Audio Visual Coordinator who will use the technology to enhance the church’s worship ministry. This includes but is not limited to: Operate tech for worship services. Oversee the training, scheduling and work of the volunteer A/V equipment operators in the sanctuary, Create a template and overall design direction for graphics during service, create occasional virtual choir, musical selections or creative additions to worship as needed, Curate posting of services across media platforms, Track worship attendance across all media, attend staff meetings (between 2-4 per year). Click here for full description and qualifications. Compensation: $20-$30/hr, 6-8hr/week. For Additional Information or to apply, contact Rev. Kim Mislin Cran (pastor@bethanyucc.org)
Archwood UCC has a communion set, (click for picture) free to a congregation who might need it. There are 5 plates each for cups and bread. Contact Kathryn Harlow, 216-502-6541, to inquire and arrange for pickup.
Trinity United church of Christ is looking for an energetic and engaging Youth Director. The Youth Director is responsible for organizing the youth program for grades 6-12 at TUCC. This includes hosting Sunday morning Sunday School Class and Sunday Evening youth group. The objective of the youth director will be to create a safe and accepting environment where each teen can explore their own personal spiritual journey and receive guidance by youth leaders from a bible based perspective founded in the teachings of Jesus. Full description available here. To apply, contact Jen Wilhelm, jwilhelm@trinityucc.com.
Clinical Chaplain provides spiritual care to patients, families and caregivers fostering spiritual resources for healing. Spiritual care is a component of healing, so meeting others where they are and helping them amid troubled waters is a vital part of the Chaplain’s role. Your daily direct patient care will be performed in various inpatient settings such as assisted living and skilled nursing facilities, as well as patients’ residences. Full time, days plus call. Detailed responsibilities available with this link.