Featured Resources

Living Water Association
In our shared journey of faith, we recognize the transformative power of collective action in addressing the pressing needs of our communities. This toolkit aims to guide your congregation in organizing an advice campaign, a dynamic and collaborative process designed to build mutual knowledge and understanding.
—Source: Rev. Michael Anthony Howard, Minister of Faith in Action
If you have questions or would like a consultation about this resource for community engagement, please contact:
- Rev. Michael Anthony Howard
Minister of Faith in Action, Living Water Association
What resource would you recommend?

Living Water Association
This two-page handout presents the phases and elements of the Appreciative Inquiry process.
—Source: Rev. Michael Anthony Howard, Minister of Faith in Action
If you have questions or would like a consultation about this resource in relation to community engagement, please contact:
- Rev. Michael Anthony Howard
Minister of Faith in Action, Living Water Association
What resource would you recommend?

Lakewood Congregational Church
This Assistance Response Manual was recommended (and created) by Lakewood Congregational Church. It includes recommendations, procedures, and resources to guide volunteers when an individual is seeking assistance at their place of worship. This manual may be useful during our community meals, while volunteering in the office, during evening meetings, or any time when neighbors visit our building seeking food, financial support, or other resources.
—Source: Lakewood Congregational Church
If you have questions or would like a consultation about this resource in relation to community engagement, please contact:
- Rev. Michael Anthony Howard
Minister of Faith in Action, Living Water Association
What resource would you recommend?

Justice & Witness Ministries
The United Church of Christ has a long-standing commitment to advocating for public policies that promote healing and reconciliation in this troubled world. For many years, Justice and Witness Ministries and Wider Church Ministries have published the Public Policy Briefing Book to provide information about our church’s concern for national and global issues. Its success has been in part due to its user-friendliness and for interpreting our call as Christians who engage each other in the public square to wrestle through the concerns of the world.
—Source: The United Church of Christ
If you have questions or would like a consultation about this resource in relation to community engagement, please contact:
- Rev. Michael Anthony Howard
Minister of Faith in Action, Living Water Association

Our Faith, Our Voice
How can UCC congregations participate constructively in the political process during this election year? What are the opportunities and legal limits to faith-inspired political activity? This guide will help you understand what kind of activities UCC churches can undertake to lift up our concerns and our witness in the elections.
—Source: The United Church of Christ
If you have questions or would like a consultation about this resource in relation to community engagement, please contact:
- Rev. Michael Anthony Howard
Minister of Faith in Action, Living Water Association

Who Is Our Neighbor?
The new Local Church Profile, which supports the calling and discernment of congregations with their current or future leadership, is an excellent resource for discerning a congregation’s call to care for their community. The fourth section of the profile is designed to help your congregation begin the journey toward answering the question “Who is our neighbor?”
—Source: The United Church of Christ
If you have questions or would like a consultation about this resource in relation to community engagement, please contact:
- Rev. Michael Anthony Howard
Minister of Faith in Action, Living Water Association

Congregational Mission Guide
Because of the resonance with the “Be the Church” banner across the life of the United Church of Christ, the UCC has been working to develop some innovative, adaptable, and concrete resources for congregations. The goal of these resources is to support local churches in embodying more fully each of the “Be the Church” statements within their community contexts. This first resource—the Be the Church Mission Planning Guide—provides congregations with a process for planning and engaging in this work, as well as assessing and discerning missional directions.
—Source: The United Church of Christ
This guide and future resources are produced collaboratively by:
- Center for Analytics, Research and Data (CARD)
- Congregational Assessment, Support and Advancement (CASA)
- Church Building and Loan Fund (CBLF)
If you have questions or would like to talk more about this resource, please contact any one of the following staff:
- Rev. Kristina Lizardy-Hajbi
CARD Director, United Church of Christ
- Rev. Chris Davies
CASA Coordinator, United Church of Christ
- Rev. Patrick Duggan
CBLF Executive Director, Church Building & Loan Fund
For a consultation about this resource, please contact:
- Rev. Michael Anthony Howard
Minister of Faith in Action, Living Water Association

A Church-Based Action Plan
This voter empowerment toolkit for local congregations was created by the National Council of Churches. As an ally of the voter campaigns created by several of its member denominations, the NCC is inviting additional churches to join the NCC Voter Empowerment 2022 campaign and take action on the local church level each month until Election Day. Churches can play a pivotal role in encouraging each voter to create a plan to vote and make their voice heard.
This guide focuses on monthly calls for action on the second Sunday of each month, “Check-up Sundays,” culminating in “Turn Out Sunday” on November 6th before the midterm elections on November 8th.
—Source: The National Council on Churches

A Discovery Toolkit for Congregations
God is already present and active in the world around you. This toolkit invites your congregation to participate in mapping out its relationship with the surrounding neighborhood and discover places where God is already at work. When this exercise is complete, your congregation will be left with a map to discern how you might live as faithful partners with the community around you.
—Source: Living Water Association, UCC
—Created by Rev. Michael Howard, Minister of Faith in Action

Welcoming Diverity
An Inventory for Congregations
The following inventory originated in 2007 by a sub-committee of the Religious Sector of the GRACE Summit on Racism. Its aim is to aid congregations seeking to embrace and welcome the diversity of their communities. The Inventory focuses on six areas: Perceptions, Leadership, Worship, Visual, Educational, and Events. It is recommended that this Inventory be used in a workshop or by a small group, committee, or a team of interested persons.
—Source: Living Water Association, UCC
—Created by Partners for a Racism-Free Community

A White Person’s Guide to Activism
“Be an up-stander, not a bystander. Be an interrupter. Whatever you do, don’t do nothing. Leave your porch light on. For Sandra Bland. For the Sandra Blands to come.” Here is a lists eleven things white people can do to “be interrupters.” This article by Aaryn Belfer first appeared in the San Diego City Beat on July 20, 2015.
—Source: Aaryn Belfer, San Diego City Beat
—Recommended by Rev. Michael Howard, Minister of Faith in Action

A Biblical Reflection
As part of the implementation of the General Synod 29 resolution, the joint working group of Council for American Indian Ministries (CAIM) and Justice and Witness Ministries (JWM) offer this resource for our churches to take up with prayer.
—Source: The Joint CAIM-JWM Working Group (Summer, 2015)
—Recommended by Michael Anthony Howard, Minister of Faith in Action

Let’s Talk—A Resource for Transformational Dialogue
This adult curriculum from the United Church of Christ is designed to invite church members to engage in safe, meaningful, substantive, and bold conversations on race.
This is a downloadable resource in PDF format that’s free of charge and can be used by any church regardless of size or budget. Contents include the Curriculum and a Lesson Outline provided by the Massachusetts Conference of the United Church of Christ.
—Source: The United Church of Christ
Featured Resources

Living Water Association
This two-page handout presents the phases and elements of the Appreciative Inquiry process.
—Source: Rev. Michael Anthony Howard, Minister of Faith in Action
If you have questions or would like a consultation about this resource in relation to community engagement, please contact:
- Rev. Michael Anthony Howard
Minister of Faith in Action, Living Water Association
What resource would you recommend?

A Discovery Toolkit for Congregations
God is already present and active in the world around you. This toolkit invites your congregation to participate in mapping out its relationship with the surrounding neighborhood and discover places where God is already at work. When this exercise is complete, your congregation will be left with a map to discern how you might live as faithful partners with the community around you.
—Source: Living Water Association, UCC
—Created by Rev. Michael Howard, Minister of Faith in Action

Welcoming Diverity
An Inventory for Congregations
The following inventory originated in 2007 by a sub-committee of the Religious Sector of the GRACE Summit on Racism. Its aim is to aid congregations seeking to embrace and welcome the diversity of their communities. The Inventory focuses on six areas: Perceptions, Leadership, Worship, Visual, Educational, and Events. It is recommended that this Inventory be used in a workshop or by a small group, committee, or a team of interested persons.
—Source: Living Water Association, UCC
—Created by Partners for a Racism-Free Community

A White Person’s Guide to Activism
“Be an up-stander, not a bystander. Be an interrupter. Whatever you do, don’t do nothing. Leave your porch light on. For Sandra Bland. For the Sandra Blands to come.” Here is a lists eleven things white people can do to “be interrupters.” This article by Aaryn Belfer first appeared in the San Diego City Beat on July 20, 2015.
—Source: Aaryn Belfer, San Diego City Beat
—Recommended by Rev. Michael Howard, Minister of Faith in Action

A Biblical Reflection
As part of the implementation of the General Synod 29 resolution, the joint working group of Council for American Indian Ministries (CAIM) and Justice and Witness Ministries (JWM) offer this resource for our churches to take up with prayer.
—Source: The Joint CAIM-JWM Working Group (Summer, 2015)
—Recommended by Michael Anthony Howard, Minister of Faith in Action

Let’s Talk—A Resource for Transformational Dialogue
This adult curriculum from the United Church of Christ is designed to invite church members to engage in safe, meaningful, substantive, and bold conversations on race.
This is a downloadable resource in PDF format that’s free of charge and can be used by any church regardless of size or budget. Contents include the Curriculum and a Lesson Outline provided by the Massachusetts Conference of the United Church of Christ.
—Source: The United Church of Christ

The Community Engagement Toolbox
Changing the world, one neighborhood at a time

God is already active and present in the world around you. This toolkit invites your congregation to participate in mapping out its relationship with the surrounding neighborhood and discover places where God is already at work. When this exercise is complete, your congregation will be left with a map to discern how you might live as faithful partners with the community around you.
From Encounter to Empower
A Toolkit for Discovery and Discernment
Discover where God is already actively at work in the community around you.

To love your neighbor, you must know your neighbor.MissionInsite reveals insights about the community around you, so you can move from data to decisions.
If your congregation is a member of the Heartland Conference and you would like assistance using MissionInsite please contact our Minister of Faith in Action, Rev. Michael Anthony Howard at michael.mfia@livingwaterone.org.
Community Analysis Tools
Get insights about the community around you.

Community Toolbox
This is a free online resource from University of Kansas Center for Community Health and Development.

Justice and Witness Ministries responds to the call of Christ through public witness, policy advocacy, issue education, and grassroots empowerment to build a more just, compassionate and inclusive world. The UCC Justice and Peace Action Network (JPANet) is our denomination’s grassroots advocacy network composed of individual members and local UCC congregations across the country. Our work is grounded in General Synod resolutions, and formed by a biblical understanding of prophetic ministry.
Justice and Peace Action Network
United Church of Christ
JPANet is our denomination’s grassroots advocacy network.

The United Church of Christ’s Our Faith Our Vote Campaign is our ongoing commitment to equip you with the tools for nonpartisan faithful engagement in our democratic process. The campaign is made up of three main components; voter registration, issue education, and voter empowerment.
Our Faith, Our Voice
United Church of Christ
The tools you need for nonpartisan faithful political engagement.

Join the Movement for Racial Justice
United Church of Christ
Working for the transformation of racism in our world so that we might foster flourishing lives for all.

The Community Engagement Toolbox
Changing the world, one neighborhood at a time

God is already active and present in the world around you. This toolkit invites your congregation to participate in mapping out its relationship with the surrounding neighborhood and discover places where God is already at work. When this exercise is complete, your congregation will be left with a map to discern how you might live as faithful partners with the community around you.
From Encounter to Empower
A Toolkit for Discovery and Discernment
Discover where God is already actively at work in the community around you.

To love your neighbor, you must know your neighbor.MissionInsite reveals insights about the community around you, so you can move from data to decisions.
If your congregation is a member of the Heartland Conference and you would like assistance using MissionInsite please contact our Minister of Faith in Action, Rev. Michael Anthony Howard at michael.mfia@livingwaterone.org.
Community Analysis Tools
Get insights about the community around you.

Community Toolbox
This is a free online resource from University of Kansas Center for Community Health and Development.
Contact Us

For more information about our
Faith in Action Ministries,
Rev. Michael Anthony Howard
Minister of Faith in Action
Living Water Association, ONE