Stories from the Southern Border


TUE APR 1, 2025
6:30 – 8 PM
via Zoom

Topic: Stories from the Southern Border: Stories From God’s People About God’s People

Join us for an evening of storytelling about what the delegation from the Living Water Association experienced on their recent trip to the Southern Border. Whether you have been to the border before, are curious about what is happening now, or would like to share your own experiences from the Southern Border, all are welcome. This will be a time of hearing how God’s people are learning about and caring for our siblings living on both sides of the Southern Border.

Facilitator: Rev. R. Brooke Baker

The Rev. R. Brooke Baker serves as Senior Minister at Redeemer, called in April 2021. Rev. Baker received her M.Div. degree from Lexington (Ky.) Theological Seminary in 2019 and was ordained into Christian ministry in the United Church of Christ in 2020. She has served several UCC congregations across Northeast Ohio in a variety of capacities. Previously, Rev. Baker served as music director at Old South Church UCC in Kirtland, Ohio, and as a seminary intern at Amistad Chapel UCC in downtown Cleveland. Rev. Baker lives in Rocky River, Ohio.

When: Tuesday, April 1, 6:30-8pm

Where: Zoom (register)