In every age and time the Church has been called to live out its faith in the community in which it finds itself.
In our 21st century, rapidly changing, pluralistic world we continue to discover that the Church’s calling is to embody Christ in the world, to be Jesus to the other, engaging in and with community to heal and restore the world to what God intended it to be.
In that context, and in the changing landscape of ministry evidence suggests that congregations who continue to actively engage in their wider communities, through mission and outreach, through partnering with others to make a difference, to reach and connect with the least of these in their corner of the world are thriving and growing.
The Living Water Association whose sole purpose is be a resource and support for the health and wellbeing of our local congregations, provides support to strengthen ministries of community engagement and being Christ to the other. Through community engagement the church works to heal rifts in our broken society, connect with our neighbors and build right relationships with the other, and working toward building a world of compassion, justice, peace and dignity for all creation.