Our Mission
Our Faith in Action Mission is to support congregations
as they turn faith into action by building
strong, resilient, beloved
Resources For Community Engagement
Faith in Action Grants
Learn about how our Faith in Action Grants are making a difference in communities across our region.
Prophetic Witness
Coming Soon
Prophetic Witness
Connect with others from across the Living Water Association and the Heartland Conference working on issues that you care about.
Community Engagement Toolbox
Explore our Toolkits and discover new ways to engage and make a change in the world around you.
United Church of Christ
Just World Covenants
In the United Church of Christ, Just World Covenants are adopted by local congregations and the diverse settings of the church to strengthen their commitment to building a just world for all through their ministry, mission, and witness. The UCC’s tradition of covenant includes a time of prayer, discernment, and education that leads to a commitment to live out the Gospel in new ways. The UCC’s covenant programs are a unique opportunity to grow in spirit and vitality for the transformation of the world.
For More Information

For more information about
resources for Faith in Action
Rev. Michael Anthony Howard
Minister of Faith in Action
Living Water Association, ONE