Rev. Dr. Elena Larssen, Transitional Association General Minister
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Contact Elena for:
- Pastoral care and consultation to pastors and lay leaders
- Guest preaching and worship leadership
- When your pastor resigns or retires
- Matters for Committee on Ministry, including Members in Discernment
- Installations, ordinations, church anniversary celebrations, etc.
- Worship planning/development
- Visioning, Revisioning and Assessment
- Conflict resolution
- Leadership development
- Church closures and Legacy/Forever Church
Rev. Michael Howard, Minister of Faith in Action
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Michael has been serving as the Minister of Faith in action since March 2019. From the wooded knobs of Kentucky countryside, Michael is a teacher, community organizer, and prophetic Christian leader. He has taught and served around the world, including Peru, Brazil, India, and Ethiopia; along with Kentucky, Virginia, and New Jersey. In addition to traditional pastoral ministry, Michael has coached and co-founded a number of community organizations, nonprofits, and small businesses. Michael is an ordained minister in the UCC and has an MPA from Morehead State University and an MDiv from Drew Theological Seminary.
Contact Michael for:
- All things related to Community engagement, outreach/mission, prophetic action
- Help with visioning and organizing community engagement ministries
- Prophetic witness and social justice issues
- ARDA questions and interpretation
- Wider church connections and issues
- Advocacy and community forums
- Interfaith relationships
Kellie Ramirez, Information Management and Media
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Kellie joined us in January 2021. She attends First Congregational Church of Akron, where she sings in the worship band and serves on the leadership team of the Feeding Hope Food Pantry. She managed media and marketing at First Church for several years and has also honed skills in administration and data processing. Kellie studied music at The University of Akron, where she played clarinet in marching and concert bands, and sang in several choirs. She is an alto in Singers Companye, a local chamber choir. Kellie’s previous experience includes nannying and automotive business development, which have helped her identify and fulfill needs, foster creativity, and cultivate a deep sense of compassion.
Contact Kellie, as Search and Call Secretary,, for:
- All things concerning Search and Call Process (except placement)
- Ministerial profile issues, settled and Interim
- Local church profile issues
- Call agreements and compensation guidelines
- Interim and pulpit supply issues
- Sending clergy profile to a local church
Contact Kellie, as Registrar, for
- Clergy transfers of standing
- Changes to church information: email address, phone number, website, etc.
- Changes to clergy records: contact information, new degrees or certifications, training experiences, etc.
- Documentation and records relating to Committee on Ministry
- Assistance with three or four way covenants
- The Association’s Calendar and events
- Year-end reporting and 11-year-reports
- Church employee or volunteer background checks
Contact Kellie, as Media Consultant,, for
- Questions regarding website
- Questions concerning media (virtual meetings and worship, social media posts, streaming, etc.)
- Communications and Streams of Connection
- Including your articles in SOC
Machelle Miller, Financial Admin and Office Manager
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Machelle has been serving the Association in a variety of administrative capacities since 2010. Her current position encompasses Financial Administration, including 5 for 5 Giving, and Office Management. Machelle studied business Management with an emphasis in accounting at Kent State University.
Contact Machelle for:
- Questions about OCWM giving
- Church-requested financial statements
- Basic financial questions and gifts and payments to the Association
- Assistance needed with church budgets and financial questions
- Issues regarding pastoral benefits including Pension Board questions
Mike Bone, SPIRE Center Support