Re-Imagining Vitality in Small Churches


SAT, MAR 9, 2024
9:30-11 AM
via Zoom

Topic: Re-Imagining Vitality in Small Churches

Throughout the scriptures, God has used small, committed groups of people to transform their communities and the world. God’s Spirit is still at work in our small churches and invites us to imagine the possibilities for compelling mission that leads to increased vitality and growth. Come and see! 

Facilitator: The Rev. Dr. Monica Dawkins-Smith

The Rev. Dr. Monica Dawkins-Smith is an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ (UCC).  She has served in several leadership roles in the UCC: National Church staffer, Conference Minister, senior pastor of churches in Pennsylvania, Indiana, and a new church start. The congregations lived out their mission to love God and neighbor by engaging intentional community outreach addressing issues of poverty, hunger and bullying in schools.

As a second career clergy, prior to a vocation in ministry, Dr. Dawkins-Smith served in leadership roles in change management, sales/marketing, and coaching/training across several industries (pharmaceutical, manufacturing, and financial institutions).

Dr. Dawkins-Smith holds a B.A. in Psychology, Master of Divinity (’07) and Doctor of Ministry (’16) degrees from Lancaster Theological Seminary. Her doctoral dissertation focused on “Revitalizing Churches through Christian Practices: Discernment and Social Justice.”

When: Saturday, March 9, 9:30-11am

Where: Zoom (register)