Pastoral Relations Guidelines

Pastoral Relations Committee Guidelines: A Brief Description

What PRC is

  • PRC is about RELATIONSHIPS – promoting healthy relationships between pastor and congregation
  • PRC is about LISTENING – members listen and respond with care to the pastor
  • PRC is CONFIDENTIAL – offering sacred space for the pastor and members to share constructively
  • PRC is ADVISORY – members share hopes, dreams and aspirations of congregation with pastor
  • PRC is s about SUPPORT and CARE of the pastor– interpreting roles and functions of the pastor with the congregation
  • PRC is an INDEPENDENT committee/team that does not report to the governing body or another
  • PRC is an entity but is held accountable to the congregation
  • PRC is about FOSTERING HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS, nurturing trust and encouraging open and honest dialogue especially in presence of conflict
  • PRC is about ADVOCATING for the pastor – such as fair salary, sabbatical, etc… But also ADVOCATING for healthy relationship between pastor and congregation

What PRC is NOT

  • A “business” decision-making meeting
  • A personnel/human resources meeting
  • A performance evaluation
  • A complaining session
  • A “dumping” of issues on the pastor

Who serves on PRC

  • Persons who have emotional and spiritual maturity
  • Persons with a background and commitment to relationship building, skills in listening, who can support and care without judgment or blame
  • Persons who can keep confidences and respect boundaries
  • Persons who do not serve as elected officers or on decision-making bodies of the church, such as
  • Moderator, Council President, treasurer, member of personnel, etc…
  • Persons who respect the pastor
  • Persons who care for the health and wellbeing of the whole congregation and have no other agenda
  • Recommended number of people serving on PRT is 5. Pastor needs to be comfortable with all.