Moderator’s Workshop


SAT, FEB 3, 2024
9:30-11 AM
via Zoom

Topic: Moderator’s Workshop

So, you just were elected president of Consistory or moderator of Council. Now what? Or you were just elected to serve again and want some fresh ideas on how to lead your congregation faithfully. Where do you turn? Rev. Nayiri Karjian has prepared a session just for you that’s rich with “how to” advice and focused on the concerns of congregations like yours. In this session we invite the lay leaders of our congregations to share their hard-earned wisdom and to learn from one another.

Facilitator: The Rev. Nayiri Karjian

Nayiri has been serving as the General Minister of the Association since February 2018. An Armenian Christian born and raised in Aleppo, Syria, Nayiri graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from Haigazian University, and Near East School of Theology, Beirut Lebanon; and with a Master of Divinity degree from Lancaster Theological Seminary, Lancaster, PA.  Since her ordination in 1985 she has served UCC congregations in Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Connecticut, Wisconsin, Chicago, Houston, St Louis, and Colorado Springs. Nayiri has shared her gifts both as settled and transitional Minister, including numerous board and committees on the UCC National Setting.

When: Saturday, February 3, 9:30-11am

Where: Zoom (register)