Looking for a job? Here are the opportunities available in our local churches! Click the title for the description.

Choir Director (PT), St. John UCC, Strasburg

St. John United Church of Christ in Strasburg is looking for a part time choir director to direct the  choir of 15-20 people. The job involves once a week practice plus Sunday morning performances. If interested you can submit your resume to stjohnuccstrasburg@gmail.com or call (330) 878-5113.

Music Director/Pianist (PT), Zion UCC, Tremont

Zion United Church of Christ of Tremont is seeking a Music Director/Pianist.  Duties include playing piano for Sunday worship services plus 3 yearly special worship services.  Service music includes congregational singing; a prelude, postlude, and offertory; and accompanying special music (generally a hymn) by an individual or small group of singers.

Qualifications sought include piano/keyboard proficiency, worship music experience, leadership and communication abilities, and a heart for worship.

This contract position provides payment of $200 per service with four weeks paid vacation per calendar year.

Please submit a cover letter/resume to zionchurchtremont@gmail.com

Audio/Visual Coordinator (PT), Bethany UCC, Cuyahoga Falls

Bethany UCC seeks an Audio Visual Coordinator who will use the technology to enhance the church’s worship ministry. This includes but is not limited to: Operate tech for worship services. Oversee the training, scheduling and work of the volunteer A/V equipment operators in the sanctuary, Create a template and overall design direction for graphics during service, create occasional virtual choir, musical selections or creative additions to worship as needed, Curate posting of services across media platforms, Track worship attendance across all media, attend staff meetings (between 2-4 per year). Click here for full description and qualifications. Compensation: $20-$30/hr, 6-8hr/week. For Additional Information or to apply, contact Rev. Kim Mislin Cran (pastor@bethanyucc.org)

Youth Director (PT), Trinity UCC, Canton

Trinity United church of Christ is looking for an energetic and engaging Youth Director. The Youth Director is responsible for organizing the youth program for grades 6-12 at TUCC. This includes hosting Sunday morning Sunday School Class and Sunday Evening youth group. The objective of the youth director will be to create a safe and accepting environment where each teen can explore their own personal spiritual journey and receive guidance by youth leaders from a bible based perspective founded in the teachings of Jesus. Full description available here. To apply, contact Jen Wilhelm, jwilhelm@trinityucc.com.

Children's Church Leader & Nursery Attendant (both PT), First Church, Painesville
First Church, Congregational UCC in Painesville is seeking to fill two part-time positions: a Children’s Church Leader and Part-Time Nursery Attendant,  during our 10 AM Sunday service. Children’s Church is for Pre K-5th Grade and Nursery is for kids ages 3-under. Rate of pay will be $150-$200 per Sunday for each position. Must pass background check and have a passion for working with children. If you are interested in applying or if you would like to explore either one of these opportunities further, please contact Rev. Tom Cofer Pastor, First Church, Congregational UCC at tom@firstchurchcongregational.org or (440) 357-7518. 
Christian Education Childcare Provider (PT), Middleburg Heights Community UCC
Middleburg Heights Community UCC in Middleburg Heights is seeking to fill the position of Christian Education Childcare provider. This position would cover providing childcare in the nursery for children 4 and under during our 10:30 am Sunday morning service and/or helping in our K-5th grade Discovery Chapel.  Rate of pay will be between $15-20/ hr based on experience. Must pass background check and have a passion for working with children. If you are interested in applying or if you would like to explore this opportunity further, please contact Rev. Leila Jindra, Designated Interim Pastor, MHCUCC at jindra@mhcucc.org or (440) 334-8287. Full description available here.
Office Administrator (PT) - Suffield UCC

Suffield UCC is seeking an Office Administrator who will be responsible for the routine administrative duties and services of the church office, ensuring the efficient operation of the church’s ministries and facilities. We are looking for someone who will be able to coordinate with volunteers and employees of the church so the church can be faithful to its mission and calling in Christ. Full description available on the church website.

Free Choir Robes
Richfield United Church of Christ has been spring cleaning a little early this year and would like to donate our extra choir robes (photo) to another church or even a theater group.  We have 40 robes and 32 stoles.
Contact :  OfficeRUCC@gmail.com or call the church office at 330-659-3532 (Monday-Friday from 9-1)