Eligible Organizations: United Church of Christ congregations within the Living Water Association, Ohio NorthEast.
Purpose and Activities: The Church Development and Vitality Team has the primary mission of planning for and development of new churches within the Living Water Association. Also, it is charged with the task of providing financial support for the purpose of redefining the ministry of local congregations. CDVT will consider funding requests for:
- Specific new church start projects.
- Church renewal projects.
- Projects which will redevelop and redefine the congregation’s ministry in the form of a master and/or long range strategic plan.
Funding requests that are of the greatest interest to the CDVT will have some, or all, of the following characteristics:
- New church start projects.
- Leadership support for new church starts and/or church renewal projects.
- Projects that approach the situation or problem being addressed in an innovative and practical manner.
- Projects that have specific measurable outcomes and a tangible ability to evaluate results and measure success.
- Projects that strengthen the capacity of the local church to solve problems or seize opportunities for growth in the future.
- Projects that have identified potential for ongoing support beyond the life of the grant.
Funding Levels: Funding requests sought through CDVT may be for up to three years of support. Exceptions may be made for very unusual or special circumstances. First year grant awards range from $3,000 to $10,000. In the case of multi-year awards, funding is on a decreasing basis with funding levels in year’s two and three at one-third less (e.g. Year 1-$3,000, Year 2-$2,000, Year 3-$1,000).
Funding Request Submissions: funding requests may be at any time during the calendar year. Local congregations wishing to seek funds from CDVT must complete the Funding Application Form.