Faith Formation

Faith formation is at the heart of what the Christian life is about. Faith as to be nurtured, nourished, sustained and formed. Growing in faith is a lifelong journey. Traditionally congregations have offered “Sunday School” to educate the young in the faith and nurture the seed within.

The Association along with the Heartland Conference offers opportunities for learning and growth in this area, as well as support to our Faith Formation leaders, and of course, resources for ministry.

Please check our weekly e-newsletter, Streams of Connection, to remain informed of such opportunities. Subscribe here.

The following links provide Faith Formation resources our congregations use:

UCC Education

Godly Play Foundation

Shine children’s curriculum options

Progressive Christianity

Cokesbury children’s curriculum options

PCUSA children’s curriculum options

United Church of Canada

Augsburg Fortress children’s curriculum options

Association of United Church Educators

Salt Project


Worshiping with Children blog

Build Faith

Heartland Conference resources


Our Youth Ministry is committed to leadership and spiritual formation and youth advocacy. The Association along with the Heartland Conference offers opportunities for learning and growth in this area, as well as support to our Youth Leaders, and of course, resources for ministry.

Many of our congregations participate in youth events, overnighters, mission events. Every four years the United Church of Christ holds a National Youth Event. Regional Youth events are planned occasionally. Please check our weekly e-newsletter, Streams of Connection, to remain informed of such opportunities. Subscribe here.

Many of our congregations plan mission field trips for youth. Find opportunities for mission field trips here:

UCC Mission Trip Opportunities

The following Links provide resources for leading Youth Ministries our congregations use:

UCC Youth

Global Ministries – DOC & UCC Resources

Shine Curriculum, Generation Why

Cokesbury Youth curriculum options

Augsburg Fortress Youth curriculum options

PCUSA Youth curriculum options