Safe Church: Building Stronger Bonds


THU, APR 11, 18 & 25, 2024
6:30-8 PM
via Zoom

Topic: Safe Church: Building Stronger Bonds

As a church of extravagant welcome, we are very serious about the safety such welcome implies. Extending God’s welcome means offering a safe environment for anyone who might participate in church activities, regardless of age, gender-identity, ability, etc. Further, we are aware of our legal and moral responsibilities as a public setting. Our Pension Boards staff are ready to address your questions about safe church practices during 3 sessions. Sign up now!

April 11:    Protecting Your Most Vulnerable Populations (Youth, Vulnerable Adults and the Elderly)
April 18:    Creating a Culture of Respect: Discussing Misconduct and Harassment in the Church
April 25:    Navigating Opportunities: Effective Strategies for Working with Complex Populations (including de-escalation techniques)

Facilitator: Elizabeth Vance and Chad Cunningham, UCC Pension Board staff

When: Thursdays, April 11, 18 & 25, 6:30-8pm

Where: Zoom (register)