Crisis in the Middle East


SAT Jan 13, 2024
9 AM
via Zoom

Topic: Crisis in the Middle East

In the place of Jesus’ birth, turmoil and tragedy are once again destroying lives, hopes, and dreams. “How long, O Lord?” We long to alleviate suffering and sow seeds for “a future with hope,” but our best efforts are hampered by the need to name who is right and who is wrong. Join us on the Feast of Epiphany as Dr. Peter Makari shines some light on this complicated situation.

Facilitator: Dr. Peter Makari

Peter Makari, current global relations minister for the Middle East and Europe, serves as transitional executive for Wider Church Ministries and Global Ministries. Peter has been on the UCC staff for over 20 years and is a global leader and a subject matter expert in issues related to the Middle East and Europe. Peter is respected by his peers and has the skills to lead, manage, and supervise the staff and to continue the organizational realignment currently underway in WCM.

When: Saturday, January 13, 9am

Where: Zoom (register)