The Pastoral Excellence program of the Living Water Association provides an opportunity for support and professional development for our authorized Ministers. The program follows the Manual on Ministry: “to provide support for the authorized minister, to encourage ministers’ personal and vocational development, and to provide an occasion for reflection and feedback on the practice of ministry.” Click each title to learn more.
Healthy Practices for Ministry are offered three times a year to engage authorized ministers in ongoing vocational and spiritual development. As stated in the Manual on Ministry, Healthy Practices “provide support for the authorized minister, encourage ministers’ personal and vocational development, and provide an occasion for reflection and feedback on the practice of ministry.”
Authorized ministers, ordained, commissioned and licensed in active ministry whose standing is held in Living Water Association are required to complete a Healthy Practices for Ministry every other year to maintain good standing. Retired Ministers who no longer engage in active ministry are exempt. Active ministry includes pulpit supply, any kind of interim leadership, officiating at wedding ceremonies, memorial services, and conducting baptisms and hosting the Lord’s Table.
Lifelong Learning Opportunities are also offered through the Association throughout the year. Authorized Ministers are encouraged to participate in lifelong learning (continuing education) in the fields of theology, Bible, Church, congregational life, worship, pastoral care, spiritual life, holistic health, etc.
Communities of Practice are offered to gather authorized ministers into small groups of care and spiritual nurture.
Join a Community of Practice to:
- Be fed spiritually and learn from colleagues
- Share information and insight around case studies or situations in your own setting
- Reflect of common issues in ministry and explore ideas
- Develop a sense of connection, collegiality and covenant
- Ponder new practices and approaches in ministry and congregational life
- Provide spiritual discernment and prayerful support to one another
Communities of Practice are:
- Led by trained Facilitators, usually colleagues who receive training and financial support in their role as they are charged with keeping the groups calendar, lifting up the mutually created covenant, providing hospitality and worship for the group, and facilitating conversation.
- Gathering monthly for 2 hours according to a schedule determined by the group. The group also determines whether it will gather in person or electronically.
- Ranging from five to ten participants
- Focusing on support and mutually identified topics of interest
The annual fee is $200. Participants will receive an invoice. Scholarships are available upon request via email to Machelle Miller, or call her at 330-940-2220 x101.
To let us know you are excited about this opportunity, please register here: