Exploring Possibilities

There are multiple paths to the future! God is doing a new thing to birth a new Church through us. Each
congregation has to discover the best path for itself as its community opens its heart to discern the Holy
Spirit’s call at this time. The path is different for each church. The task is to be faithful to the context
of your congregation and the unique setting of your ministry. And, whatever path you consider, we hope
you will do so with prayerful deliberation and discernment listening to God’s voice.

Your Association staff or an outside consultant can work with you through this process. Do not hesitate
to connect with us.

There are three visioning questions that beg to be considered during this time of deliberation:
• Who are we today?
• Who is God calling us to become in the future?
• Who is our Neighbor – what is happening in the wider community in which the church is located,
and what are the realities and the needs?